The Greenville Technical College Bookstore offers all required books and supplies at a reasonable price, as well as a variety of school supplies, course-related software and clothing bearing the school name.
Bring your class schedule to the Bookstore for assistance in finding the correct books.
The Bookstore accepts cash, checks, and credit cards (Master Card, Visa, Discover, American Express). If you will be using Financial Aid Vouchers to pay, please remember to bring a picture ID.
The GTC Bookstore is owned and operated by Greenville Technical College for the benefit of our mission. Proceeds from purchases made support Greenville Technical College and its students.
Main location:
Barton Campus
Building 103/ET building, 1st floor
Regular hours for main location:
Special Hours for Barton Bookstore (main campus): January 13 - January 16, 8 AM - 6 PM
Satellite Campuses:
Special hours January 6 - January 30 at all satellite locations
Monday - Thursday, 8 am to 5 pm
Regular hours
To reach campus bookstores:
Barton Campus - 864-250-8042
Brashier Campus - 864-250-4163
Benson Campus - 864-250-3003
Northwest Campus - 864-250-3637
Book selections for each new semester may be found by course and section two weeks before the first day of class using the Online Bookstore Site. Go to GTC4me (login required), then look in the How To section in the top center of the page for "Buy Books Online."
Online purchases may be made for upcoming semester when Financial Aid voucher dates begin (see below).
Financial Aid Purchase Dates
You may pay for books and supplies with Financial Aid Vouchers after verification of awards has been posted to your account and the information is sent to the Bookstore. Starting dates vary, but the first day is usually a week before the first day of class.
Some courses may indicate participation in the Inclusive Access (IA) program, which provides digital access to the eBook and other required course material through Blackboard at a significantly lower cost.
Learn more about Inclusive Access »
For class-related supplies, please visit your nearest campus bookstore.
Exchange Policy
Parallel readers are nonrefundable and cannot be exchanged.
Electronic equipment eligible for exchange only - if defective - with receipt within thirty (30) days of purchase.
Refund Policy
Required textbooks may be returned for refund if the following criteria are met:
Bookstore Main location:
Barton Campus
Building 103/ET building, 1st floor
Upcoming Bookstore Dates
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